107 Positive Self-Reflection Quotes to Grow in Life

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What does it mean to reflect on yourself? Self-reflection plays a significant role in developing and strengthening our emotional intelligence. It is the gateway to understanding yourself—your emotions, dreams, desires, and even flaws. Knowing what you are and what you want is the key to figuring out where you want to be. Learning the art … Read more

41 Words of Encouragement for Someone Who is Coming Out

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Are you contemplating “coming out,” or do you know someone who is? Whatever the case, words of encouragement for someone coming out can turn lives around. To feel uplifted, supported, accepted, and celebrated is a wonderful feeling and a powerful tool for empowerment. It builds confidence and self-esteem while smashing negative emotions. Words of encouragement … Read more

15 Steps to Practice Future Self Journaling

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Most people who are unhappy with the way their lives are going will look for ways to improve things. With a little research, many have discovered ways to improve their lives that have enabled them to enjoy greater overall happiness… as well as help them to more easily achieve their life goals.  One very effective way for people … Read more

Johari Window Model: A Simples Guide to Understanding Yourself

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If assigned a group project in a class, most students will inevitably be displeased and provide negative feedback and resistance to the suggestion. The Johari Window model can help people to learn more about themselves, and the situations they face in life. Complaining of imbalanced work ethics and uneven contribution efforts, most people are not … Read more