7 Best Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Tests to Take Online

borderline personality disorder test | borderline test | bpd test

Have you ever wondered if your emotional experiences align with borderline personality disorder (BPD)? BPD tests are online tools designed to help you explore patterns in your emotions and behaviors that may indicate BPD. While not diagnostic, these self-assessments provide valuable insights into your emotional state. By responding to various situational questions, you gain a … Read more

9 Toxic Deflection Tactics Used by Narcissists

narcissist deflection | narcissist | narcissists

Arguing is a narcissist’s forte, especially the antagonistic or argumentative narcissist. The only problem is when a narcissist isn’t in the mood to argue, they will deflect.  Narcissist deflection is just as toxic. The tactic is nothing more than a way to worm their way out of trouble. Any type of narcissist can employ deflection strategies, including … Read more

21 Traits and Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Child

highly sensitive child traits | sensitive child traits | sensitive child

Imagine having a highly sensitive child who feels profound compassion for animals, even insects. This child hates violence and cruelty, routing the conviction toward justice. This child is a rescuer of the innocents and an empath who physically feels others’ pain. The child is overly generous, intelligent, witty, lonely, worried, a reader and writer of … Read more