Proactive VS Reactive: 5 Differences & How to Be More Proactive

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One of the most well-known theories of physics states, “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton’s Third Law of Motion)”. This same principle applies to how we act and interact with our surroundings. Most people have a tendency to fall into one of two categories when it comes to addressing the … Read more

7 Sigma Male Tests to Test Your Personality in 2024

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Do you know what a sigma male is? Most of us know about “alpha males” and “beta males”—the Internet is full of descriptions of these  categories. But did you know that there are other classifications as well, like sigma and omega? Sigma males are lone wolves. They are usually described as the more relaxed version … Read more

57 People Pleaser Quotes: Stop Trying to Make People Happy

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Trying to keep everyone happy while maintaining your sanity can be a difficult line to balance. People pleasers can get a bad rep but it often comes from a good place, so, if you’ve ever been told that you bend over backwards to accommodate your family, coworkers, and friends and you’re wondering if that’s a … Read more

5 Types of Gaslighting You Might Encounter (with Examples)

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Did you know that there are actually five primary types of gaslighting? If you’ve ever been gaslighted, you probably agree with me about how confusing and painful it can be. You feel like a shell of yourself after you’ve been “torched”.  It’s awful and nobody should have to put up with being treated this way. … Read more

ENFP vs. INFJ: 8 Differences Between These Personality Types

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You need to look beyond the surface when comparing ENFP vs. INFJ personality types. For instance, ENFPs tend to be flexible, outgoing, and spontaneous, while INFJs are introspective, quiet, and reserved. However, there is much more to these personality types than just these basic traits. So let’s take a closer look at the key differences. … Read more