121 Grounding Affirmations to Find Energy and Balance in Life

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When we say someone is “grounded,” it means they have a firm foundation in their life and are not easily swayed or distracted by passing influences. As a result, they are stable and balanced, deeply connected to what really matters, like a tree with deep roots. Becoming more grounded isn’t easy for everyone, and grounding … Read more

9 Affirmation Decks to Reinforce What’s Important in 2024

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Have you been feeling lost and confused lately? Maybe you are experiencing down moments and can’t seem to improve your mood? Whatever the case, we are here to boost your spirits. In this article, we share with you nine affirmation decks that can help reinforce what is important in your life. These decks aim to … Read more

100 Affirmations for Focus and Concentration

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Like many people, you lose hours of productivity every week due to distractions and procrastination. We live in a world of increasingly short attention spans, making it challenging to maintain focus and concentration. Affirmations for focus can help improve your attention span and get more done in a day. Why Affirmations Are Important for Focus … Read more

102 Trust Affirmations to Get You Through Uncertain Times

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Recent years have been full of turmoil and uncertainty, and events have disrupted the plans and goals of millions of people. The future may seem equally uncertain, making people question their purpose and creating feelings of anxiety and ambiguity. So how does a person maintain optimism and faith in these uncertain times? Trust affirmations are … Read more

104 Mindfulness Affirmations to Live in the Present Moment

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In today’s busy world, it is customary to spend your time planning and anticipating the future, making to-do lists, and focusing on goals and outcomes. It is also usual to ruminate over the past, thinking about situations and experiences that still affect our emotions and perspectives. But these types of thoughts can be stressful and … Read more