11 Printable Mental Health Journal Templates & Worksheets

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Our desire to live happily comes from our struggle for peace and mental clarity. We believe this is important, and definitely support you in your mental health journey. Today, we share with you 11 printable mental health journal templates and worksheets that can help you achieve the peace, mental clarity, and happiness you deserve. All … Read more

9 Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting on Your Life

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Gaslighting is a term that comes up in conversations and articles related to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The manipulation practice occurs in different settings but is commonly seen in interpersonal relationships, such as work, family, and romantic relationships. I felt utterly betrayed and a plethora of other negative emotions after discovering someone I cared for … Read more

75 Healing Affirmations for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

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Want a simple way to reduce your negative thinking? One strategy you can use is to recite a few healing affirmations. Now, you may be asking yourself, “what are healing affirmations?” Well, healing affirmations provide a method for releasing negative energy to move forward in a more positive direction.  Neuroscience has proven that reciting affirmations … Read more

11 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms That Hold You Back

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Adulthood is plagued with what sometimes feels like endless challenges. As fast as you solve one, another one pops up. How we cope with life stressors and adversities can make a difference in things getting better or worse. As such, it’s crucial to have coping skills and strategies that improve your circumstances without eroding your … Read more

91 Selfish Parents Quotes to Help You Cope Better

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A loving family should bring warmth, happiness and hope without limits. It should instil trust and respect whilst being a celebration of unity. But whilst many families strive for such a positive environment, we haven’t all been so lucky. For those of us who’ve dealt with a selfish parent, the emptiness is overwhelming. The constantly … Read more

6 Simple Ways to Not Feel Lonely All the Time

If you feel isolated and simply don’t know how to not feel lonely, this article is for you.

Loneliness sucks! Being lonely means feeling isolated and apart from the people around you. Even those with many “friends” are subject to loneliness if they feel the value of those connections is superficial. Almost everybody will feel lonely from time to time. But we typically cycle in and out of the feeling as life throws … Read more