5 Steps to Have More Emotional Independence in Life

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“I don’t need you, I prefer you.” – Walter Riso I believe this quote sums up emotional independence perfectly.  It is incredibly liberating to know that you are in control of your emotions; to spend time with someone because you want to, not because you need to. In a nutshell, emotional independence is about having … Read more

Living Vicariously Through Someone: The Good, Bad, & How to Stop It

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As a child, there were a few celebrities I imagined being. I could see myself performing on stage like Janet Jackson, especially after Rhythm Nation hit. I could see myself in one of Arnold Swarzenegger’s action films mouthing off one-liners to match his. Many of us have had similar experiences. We’ve all looked up to … Read more

60 Affirmations to Experience a Positive Change in Your Life

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Dealing with change is challenging for many people. The fear of the unknown makes us resist new circumstances, even though change is often a good thing. Because we can’t fight the inevitable, practicing affirmations for change can help you cope with the situations that come your way. They can help you step outside your comfort … Read more