21 Best Songs to Celebrate the Joy of Spring

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Spring heralds the awakening of the world from its winter sleep. It is the season that promises new beginnings, reawakening, and growth. For this reason, spring has long been a source of inspiration for artists and musicians. Today, we are celebrating the joy that this season brings through a collection of the best songs about … Read more

30 Weird Hobbies That are Bizarre to Most People

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In the world of hobbies, pretty much anything goes. There is a hobby for everyone, whether it is something on the traditional side, like practicing sports, creating an herb garden, or making crafts, or more on the unusual side.  Of course, what hobby is truly bizarre is up to you (and the times we live … Read more

67 Funny Introvert Memes To Keep You Laughing (By Yourself)

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Introverts unite! Well, not actually in person – that would be way too exhausting. But we can unite virtually through these absolutely hilarious introvert memes! As an introvert myself, I spend an embarrassing amount of time perusing the internet for funny pictures and jokes that perfectly sum up my solo, homebody lifestyle. But among all … Read more