105 Empathy Quotes That Demonstrate Compassion for Others

Kindness is such a beautiful thing. It brightens up the world and brings humanity closer together. And along with kindness comes empathy: the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes. Though the walk may not be easy, taking it, and feeling the pain they face, brings both understanding and compassion. While sympathy is often … Read more

11 Reasons Why Respect is Important for Everyone

why is respect important |why is respect important essay | 10 importance of respect

Respect is a word that is thrown out a lot.  As children, our parents were always telling us to “show respect” and “respect our elders”.  As we entered our formidable school years, teachers and counselors were always preaching “respect for others”, stressing the importance of being kind to everyone… especially those who seemed lost, lonely … Read more

55 Connection Quotes That Bind Us Together

connection quotes | deep connection quotes | human connection quotes and sayings

Connections are an invisible and indisputable fact of life. In today’s post, we’ll be diving into the importance of connection and providing you with a curated list of connection quotes to start joining some neurons to the concept in your mind. So, if you’re curious about connection and want to understand a little more about … Read more