6 Steps to Write an Apology Letter to Your Girlfriend with an Example

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An apology letter to girlfriend might not be your usual way of communicating with your partner, especially since you could easily shoot her a text or email. Sometimes it takes something more substantial and detailed–like a letter, to say how truly sorry you are. A letter gives you a chance to lay bare your thoughts and feelings … Read more

15 Signs & Characteristics of an Emotionally Unavailable Man

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It has happened to almost every woman: You are dating this new gorgeous, funny, attentive guy, and the relationship is going great. But after a few weeks with the guy, you’re in the middle of Sex and the City episode, in the role of Carrie, looking confused about Big’s behavior. Sounds familiar? If so, this … Read more

11 Signs of Unintentional or Unconscious Gaslighting

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Many people are of the view that “gaslighting” is done on purpose. The opposite is true. The emotionally abusive act can occur without the person doing the gaslighting (aka, the gaslighter) knowing what they’re doing. On that note, I urge you to hold off on turning the tables on the gaslighter in your life until you understand fully what unintentional gaslighting really means and … Read more