53 Conflict Quotes to Resolve Disputes & Arguments

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They say it takes two to tango—but it also takes two to have an argument.  Psychologists believe that having conflicts is healthy for all types of relationships. This is because of the resolution that comes afterwards. You get to settle your differences and open your minds to accept other perspectives. Resolving conflicts enhances your ability … Read more

9 Best Books on Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment [2024 Update]

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What does it mean to be spiritually awakened and enlightened? And how exactly do you go about becoming spiritually awakened and enlightened? People often relate spirituality to religion, but these are actually two different things. While religion is an institutional belief in a particular deity, spirituality is a experience that goes far beyond our categorical … Read more

31 Body Positivity Quotes & Messages for Self-Acceptance

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Do you often find yourself feeling undesirable because of the way your body looks? Or do you experience days when so many negative thoughts play in your head that it affects your self-esteem and confidence? In this article, we share with you 31 body positivity quotes to help you love yourself a little more. We … Read more

7 Positive Visualization Techniques & Examples

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You might be asking yourself – What are visualization techniques? There is nothing human-made that came into being without forming as an image in the mind. It is basically impossible to create something without imagining it beforehand. Visual imagery has been being used by psychologists for years, and visualization techniques are one of the ways … Read more

19 Weird Things That Narcissists Do to Manipulate People

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Have you ever found yourself dealing with someone who appeared to be extremely selfish? Or difficult? I wager we’ve all been there. As we go through life, we will likely find ourselves having to deal with people who seem to possess extreme levels of arrogance, manipulation… possibly even destructive behavior. And these people may be … Read more

17 Lack of Empathy Warning Signs You Should Look For in People

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Have you ever shared a trauma in your life only to have the person you are confiding in monopolize the conversation by telling you about a bigger trauma they suffered (usually five years ago)? There’s no greater insult to add to your injury when someone you mistakenly trusted shows lack of empathy signs and makes … Read more