10 Signs & Symptoms of High Functioning Depression

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Often referred to as the leading cause of disability, depression has been on the rise in recent decades. Nobody knows exactly why… Some speculate it’s the result of rapid population growth. In other words, the more people you have in a community, the higher the number of individuals with depression. Others believe that abrupt (economic … Read more

20 Famous Fictional Characters with ISTJ Personality

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ISTJ personality types are one of the most common and powerful out there. ISTJ people are incredibly realistic, practical, traditional, and systematic. Think of people that are smart, introverted, love tradition, and stick by their values. They aren’t the “unicorn” of personalities, they are real.  In fact, examples of some real-life people with ISTJ personalities include: … Read more

4 Visualization Techniques & Exercises to Reach Your Goals

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Is visualization a valuable psychological technique? Or is it all pseudo-science garbage? The truth is some of both. There is real workable science behind the basic concept, which frames visualization as a sort of “mental rehearsal.” But there are also a lot of books, blog posts, and faux “experts” who exaggerate claims about how you … Read more

75 Gratitude Journal Prompts for Kids to Be More Thankful

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Whether you are a parent looking to foster a greater sense of gratitude in your children, or and educator looking to teach gratitude in the classroom…  there are tons of gratitude journal prompts for kids that can help get those appreciative juices flowing. Having something that is meaningful to write about, rather than standard prompts, … Read more

How to Journal for Your Self-Improvement (with Examples)

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Every time I’m told to journal my thoughts and feelings, the inner child in me groans ever so slightly. Instantly, I’m having flashbacks of my seventh-grade diary or eighth-grade health class… where weekly journaling was a requirement.   Despite those things, we somehow managed to get this far in life without ever being taught how … Read more