13 Proven Ways to Emotionally Detach from Someone

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It’s beyond challenging when you are in a relationship that’s unhealthy or toxic. It’s simply heartbreaking because these relationships do more harm than good.  Sometimes, things get so bad that one of the few options you have is to emotionally detach from the person – whether it’s a toxic parent, child, family member, friend, colleague, or … Read more

73 Simple Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

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Words of encouragement for police officers are a powerful way to let local law enforcement know that you acknowledge, appreciate, and recognize their contributions to your community. The sacrifice of their own safety, time with their families, and personal life is never given enough thanks. Words of encouragement can change all that. Imagine going to … Read more

31 Famous Fictional Characters with ESTP Personality

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Scarlett O’Hara is one of the most famous fictional characters ESTP of all time. As a child, I envied her extravagance, brilliance, thirst for conquest, and striking beauty. Scarlett’s fearless interactions with authority figures and ability to tackle any obstacle inspired me and countless others to find inner strength we didn’t think we had. Another … Read more

51 Words of Encouragement for a Leader to Help Inspire Others

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Inspirational leaders have led the world’s people through difficult times and when great change was afoot. Finding the words to guide and inspire others is no easy task, and it involves knowing what challenges face your audience, as well as what will help motivate and encourage them.  Some great leaders who have managed to hit … Read more

17 Bible Verses About Building Confidence and Self Esteem

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Have you ever felt like you are not good enough? Is there a voice inside your head that tells you to doubt yourself? Building up self-confidence and self-esteem is never easy. It takes a lot of self-love, self-respect, and self-care to be able to embrace yourself completely. There are a lot of times when you … Read more