Self-controlled Children Stay Leaner in the Transition to Adolescence

Do levels of self-control in young children predict future weight status? Maybe. The level of self-control contained by an eight-grader four years earlier explains 8% of the variance of their weight. But after controlling for their BMI four years earlier, self-control explains just 1% of the variance of their weight. This suggests that self-control starts … Read more

Self-Discipline Gives Girls the Edge: Gender in Self-Discipline, Grades, and Achievement Test Scores

Do girls achieve better than boys when it comes to self-discipline, grades and achievement? Using the same data as in this study, the idea that girls have higher average levels of self-discipline than boys were tested and confirmed. Adolescent girls were found to have 5 to 20% more self-control than adolescent boys, explaining in part why they do … Read more

Self-discipline Outdoes IQ Predicting Academic Performance in Adolescents

Some combination of personality, intelligence, and environmental factors determine success. Intelligence and environment are usually considered to have a much larger role than personality. This study shows that personality may play a larger factor in academic performance than previously thought. Some background: The research behind IQ and performance in adolescents Greater ability to delay gratification measured at … Read more

Self Compassion – How Caring for Others can Bring you Success and Happiness

Afraid of public speaking? You're not alone – more than 70% of Americans suffer from speech anxiety.

The butterflies, light-headedness, sweaty palms, fidgety legs, shaky knees, and incoherent mumbling? All normal.

But accepting that it's normal? Not so normal.

By skipping, ignoring, and even resisting the truth that failure is normal, we're losing out on a powerful tool for change – for getting over speech anxiety or for finally losing weight.

Don't worry, this isn't another post about the dangers of optimism.

This is a lighthearted story of defeat, inspiration, and redemption. Of what a person can accomplish when they have the courage to look bleak reality in its face.

Or something like that.

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The Science of Compassion

The Science of Compassion See the studies behind compassion. Why does compassion help? What can it do? Why does it matter? Discover the science of compassion and how it can make a difference in your life. Many studies are beginning to show not only the positive impact of having more compassion but the effectiveness of techniques to … Read more

How Grateful Are You? Interactive Quiz + Seven Strategies for Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude increases our happiness, improves our relationships, and makes us healthier. And it does so reliably. Over 40 research studies have shown the same thing – gratitude rocks. So how can we get more of it? It depends. How grateful are you already? Let’s figure that out. The quiz below only takes 30 seconds. (Side … Read more

Science of Exercise and Happiness

The relationship is strong but complicated – it’s not as simple as exercise = happiness. The Role of Depression in Short-Term Mood and Fatigue Responses to Acute Exercise Authors explored the differing impact of one-time, high-intensity exercise on sedentary exercisers and sedentary, depressed exercisers. Acute high intensity exercise resulted in transient immediate improvements in depressed mood among individuals … Read more

The Science of Gratitude: More Benefits Than Expected; 26 Studies and Counting

Gratitude has for most of its history remained a discussion topics of pastors. As a growing field of science is starting to show, the benefits of cultivating an attitude of gratitude are very real and can be enjoyed outside a religious context. This page summarizes at a high level the prominent research in the field, and provides a link … Read more

Relaxation: It Cures Headaches & Relieves Indigestion

Do you have a hobby or activity that relaxes you?  I’m not talking TV relax – I’m talking dissolving muscle aches and destroying headaches relax. I’m not talking unwind or vegetate – I’m talking parasympathetic nervous system activation, slower breathing, and alpha waves. For the past eight years, I didn’t – I suffered from untreatable headaches. They were a constant companion. … Read more