15 Subtle Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist in Your Life

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How to manipulate a narcissist? It’s a bold question and a bold approach to dealing with such a person. Manipulation is how they trap, control, and use you. You won’t even know you’re being controlled until it’s too late. No wonder the thought of manipulating a narcissist triggers a rush of sensations. Excitement, fear, and … Read more

17 Lack of Empathy Warning Signs You Should Look For in People

lack of empathy signs | lack of empathy examples | lack of empathy test

Have you ever shared a trauma in your life only to have the person you are confiding in monopolize the conversation by telling you about a bigger trauma they suffered (usually five years ago)? There’s no greater insult to add to your injury when someone you mistakenly trusted shows lack of empathy signs and makes … Read more

15 Warnings Signs You Have a Toxic Girlfriend

toxic girlfriend | toxic girlfriend signs | toxic girlfriend symptoms

Choosing the right partner gives you a better chance of building a respectful, loving, trusting, and uplifting relationship. You aren’t going to enjoy those positive things with a toxic girlfriend who keeps overwhelming you with her nasty attitude. Of course, she doesn’t show up with a sign that reads “I Identify as a toxic.” She’s not going to tell … Read more