31 Famous Fictional Characters with ESTP Personality

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Scarlett O’Hara is one of the most famous fictional characters ESTP of all time. As a child, I envied her extravagance, brilliance, thirst for conquest, and striking beauty. Scarlett’s fearless interactions with authority figures and ability to tackle any obstacle inspired me and countless others to find inner strength we didn’t think we had. Another … Read more

10 Signs & Symptoms of High Functioning Depression

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Often referred to as the leading cause of disability, depression has been on the rise in recent decades. Nobody knows exactly why… Some speculate it’s the result of rapid population growth. In other words, the more people you have in a community, the higher the number of individuals with depression. Others believe that abrupt (economic … Read more

20 Famous Fictional Characters with ISTJ Personality

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ISTJ personality types are one of the most common and powerful out there. ISTJ people are incredibly realistic, practical, traditional, and systematic. Think of people that are smart, introverted, love tradition, and stick by their values. They aren’t the “unicorn” of personalities, they are real.  In fact, examples of some real-life people with ISTJ personalities include: … Read more

7 Long-Term Benefits and Advantages of Group Therapy

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Have you ever wondered if group therapy is right for you? This might be a question you be asking – especially if you’re tired of the regular 1-on-1 therapy sessions that many people experience. So if your therapist is the get-to-business kind, then you should seriously consider joining group psychotherapy.  Depending on the professional help … Read more

19 Weird Things That Narcissists Do to Manipulate People

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Have you ever found yourself dealing with someone who appeared to be extremely selfish? Or difficult? I wager we’ve all been there. As we go through life, we will likely find ourselves having to deal with people who seem to possess extreme levels of arrogance, manipulation… possibly even destructive behavior. And these people may be … Read more