What to Talk About in Therapy? 22 Topics to Consider

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Mental health is an important aspect of everyday life. Back in the day, it was not promoted as something important. Many people overlook their mental health and emotional well-being as a result, including those with mental disorders who need treatment. The unwillingness came from the social stigma associated with mental illness. You risk getting criticized … Read more

21 Traits and Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Child

highly sensitive child traits | sensitive child traits | sensitive child

Imagine having a highly sensitive child who feels profound compassion for animals, even insects. This child hates violence and cruelty, routing the conviction toward justice. This child is a rescuer of the innocents and an empath who physically feels others’ pain. The child is overly generous, intelligent, witty, lonely, worried, a reader and writer of … Read more

15 INFP Songs That are Instantly Relatable

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Have you ever wondered if your taste in music reflects your personality? In the Myers-Briggs personality types, the INFP personality stands out with its unique blend of introspection, creativity, and deep empathy. INFPs are often known as “Idealists,” driven by a strong desire for authenticity and meaning in all aspects of life. For those who … Read more