10 INFP Strengths and Weaknesses for This Personality Type

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Have you ever struggled to understand a friend or co-worker’s unique personality? Then you’re in luck because the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test was designed to identify people’s personality types.   Learning an INFP’s strengths and weaknesses helps us relate to people who see the world differently than we do. Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the … Read more

8 Warning Signs You’re Dealing with a Vulnerable Narcissist

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We’ve all encountered many different types of people in our lives. Chances are you’ve had both good and bad relationships on your journey, whether romantic or platonic. But if you’ve ever known someone who seems self-absorbed, insecure, or lacks empathy, could there be a deeper issue at play? Could you actually be dealing with a … Read more

55 Famous People & Celebrities with ENTP Personality Type

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According to Carl Jung, humans can be divided into sixteen distinctive personality categories. Based on his teachings, the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory (MBPI) was created. It is highly likely that you have taken this inventory at one point in your life, as it is the most commonly used personality assessment used by schools, the military, and … Read more

INTJ VS ENTJ: 13 Differences for These Personality Types

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Our personalities often dictate the way we live our lives. They can impact the career paths we choose, who we date, and even the hobbies we enjoy. So, it’s no surprise that many people are interested in learning about their personality type and how it affects their day-to-day. Some of us may be painfully shy, … Read more