19 Weird Things That Narcissists Do to Manipulate People

weird things narcissists do | things narcissists say in an argument | unusual signs of narcissism

Have you ever found yourself dealing with someone who appeared to be extremely selfish? Or difficult? I wager we’ve all been there. As we go through life, we will likely find ourselves having to deal with people who seem to possess extreme levels of arrogance, manipulation… possibly even destructive behavior. And these people may be … Read more

31 Famous Fictional Characters with INFP Personality

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I’m sure you’ll agree that fictional characters’ personalities can seem fascinating. One of my favorite characters is Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. Actor Johnny Depp portrays the character beautifully and stays true to his personality type.  When I see the way fictional characters display their given personality traits throughout their lifespan on the … Read more

Are You A Sigma Female? Discover 15 Traits to Find Out

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Has someone said you remind them of a Sigma female? Perhaps you’re seeing the term sigma personality popping up in your search to figure out your socio-sexual archetype.  Either way, you can’t leave without reading the rest of this article. There’s a lot to discover, even if you’re trying to understand the behavior and needs of … Read more

9 Examples of Manipulative Sentences & Phrases People Use

manipulative sentences | manipulative questions examples | manipulate meaning

People use manipulative sentences or phrases usually to get their way, bully, “gaslight” or create a power imbalance. For narcissistic people, it’s a tactic used to create conflict, inflict emotional abuse or diminish the self-esteem of others. In some cases, the speaker does not intend to cause harm, but their words may still have damaging … Read more