11 Self-Confidence Boosting Activities for Students

self confidence activities for students | self-confidence activities for high school students | self confidence activities for adults

Your child attends school and participates in extracurricular activities. On the surface, things seem normal. But lately, you’ve noticed they’re shying away from challenging situations. Or staying to themselves. And, as a parent (or educator), you can’t help but think they’re struggling with low confidence. So how can you give them a boost? There are … Read more

9 Signs You’re Socially Inept & How to Stop Being This Way

socially inept | socially inept meaning | which of the following is not a risk factor for suicide?

When the waiter brings your meal and says “Enjoy,” do you reply with a “You too?” (Even though they aren’t sitting down at your table to share your food.) Or what about when your coworker says they are stepping out to visit the restroom? Do you say something like “Can I come with you?” (Because … Read more

15 Best Jobs for Teachers Who Don’t Want to Teach [2024 Update]

best jobs for teachers who don't want to teach | great career changes for teachers | alternative careers for teachers

Are you tired of teaching?  Or do you want to go in a different direction in life? If you’ve decided to leave teaching, then you’re probably wondering what your next step is. Finding a job that suits your interests and talents changes your sense of personal fulfillment. But it can be challenging to figure out … Read more

9 Best Paying Jobs & Careers for an INFP [2024 Update]

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If you’re an INFP personality type (i.e. someone who has the introversion, intuition, feeling and perception qualities), then you might struggle to think of a career that allows you to show just how compassionate and creative you are. Your chosen career should also be one that doesn’t drain your introverted nature. Keep in mind that … Read more