11 Soothing Mantras to Help You Deal with Anxiety

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In the fast-paced world we live in, anxiety has become an all-too-familiar companion and can be overwhelming. It creeps in during moments of uncertainty, crowds our minds with worrisome thoughts, and leaves us searching for a lifeline to pull us back to tranquility. In these challenging times, if you’ve experienced anxiety, you may be overlooking one of … Read more

15 Warning Signs of an Adult with Abandonment Issues

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Have you lost a loved one due to an unexpected separation or death… and felt like you never got past their leaving? Do you experience feelings of insecurity, jealousy, rage, anxiety or obsessive thoughts when you are in a close friendship or intimate relationship? Maybe you sabotage relationships so they fall apart? Or you’re too controlling? … Read more

13 Simple Coping Skills for Kids with Anxiety & Stress

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Just as adults do, kids run a gamut of emotions every day. They may be hurt, angry, shy, nervous, sad, skeptical, anxious.  Teaching them to cope with their feelings in a healthy way is crucial in their social and emotional development… and a skill they will likely carry with them into adulthood. Teaching coping skills … Read more