11 Strategies to Stop Being a Cynical Person

​Are you a cynic? If so, do you feel this behavior is limiting your personal development? You might describe yourself as someone who likes to keep it real—someone who often gives sarcastic responses to most questions and conversation topics. Unfortunately, always acting cynical can have a long-term negative impact on your happiness. If you’d like … Read more

Meditation vs. Mindfulness: What Is the Difference?

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Mindfulness has become a popular word recently, but do you know how it differs from meditation? Meditation and mindfulness each have many definitions and are often intertwined, so it’s easy to confuse the two terms. However, these two terms actually complement each other. Mediation and mindfulness are two sides of the same coin and often … Read more

10 Signs You’re Engaging in Self Sabotaging Behavior

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​Have you ever engaged in self-destructive behavior? Or do you often feel unmotivated when you’re about to do something important? Or maybe you sometimes think that you are not good enough to achieve an important goal? If your answer to these questions is “yes,” then you may be exhibiting signs that you are self-sabotaging. You’re … Read more

Mindful Commuting: Making Time for Mindfulness During Free Moments

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One complaint about mindfulness I hear again-and-again is “Steve, I just don’t have time to be mindful.” Hey, I get it! The idea of slowing down and “enjoying the moment” seems at odds with the idea of being productive. And I love productivity. How Making Time for Mindfulness Improves Productivity It is easy to think that … Read more

27 Jobs that Help People in Need

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Curious about the best jobs that can help you help other people? Sure, there are tons of career opportunities you can choose from. So many high-paying jobs are competing with each other to get your attention. But which jobs are the most fulfilling? Which one will give you a sense of happiness and contentment? The … Read more

31 Prayers for Your Anxiety & Fear [Find INSTANT Calm in 2024]

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Life has become uncertain and even frightening during 2020. Many of us are concerned about different events that are happening in our country and around the world. You may be concerned how these events will affect you and your family. Instead of experiencing happiness, you may find yourself more worried than usual.  It’s natural to sometimes experience … Read more