157 Short Quotes & Sayings to Inspire Your Life

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“And still, I rise.” Short, yet very powerful, this quote is from Maya Angelou, one of the most iconic authors and activists of all time. In fact, many of the influential quotes you will find online (and even offline) are from Angelou. Quotes aren’t just a bunch of words combined together to impress. They come … Read more

91 Spiritual Quotes to Awaken and Enrich Your Life

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What does it mean to be spiritually awakened? How do you measure someone’s level of spirituality? According to Oxford, spirituality is the “quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to material physical things.” But while this may be the standard definition, we believe that being spiritual can mean a lot … Read more

116 Introvert Quotes to Capture the Essence of Your Personality

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Do you identify yourself as an introvert? The answer is probably yes—after all, you wouldn’t be landing on this page if you don’t. You likely wouldn’t be looking for introvert quotes if you are an extrovert! But if you are not an introvert and you are simply looking for some explanation about why introverts prefer … Read more

25 Best Gifts for Minimalists That Won’t Clutter Their Lives

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It can be a tough buying gifts for minimalists. After all, they are usually looking to get rid of things, not accumulate them. But being a minimalist doesn’t have to mean never receiving gifts. Like the rest of us, minimalists are people who can appreciate and express gratitude when being gifted something. That being said, … Read more

7 Emotional Abuse Tests to See if You’re in an Abusive Relationship

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Do you ever wonder if your relationship might be emotionally abusive? Emotional abuse tests are tools designed to help you identify signs of non-physical abuse in your relationships. These tests ask questions about your interactions and feelings, uncovering potential emotional manipulation or harmful patterns. These tests serve as a preliminary step toward recognizing abuse, and … Read more

79 Powerful Compassion Quotes About Showing Empathy

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Are you a compassionate person? Or do you know someone who exhibits that trait? Compassion comes from the Latin word “compati,” which literally means “to suffer with.” It is more than mere empathy and care—it is the desire to help someone who is suffering, and to be able to help that person ease their pain. … Read more