Maladaptive Daydreaming: Signs, Impact, and 7 Ways to Stop Doing It

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Have you ever noticed how our mind tends to drift whenever we have a slow day at the office? Or perhaps you enjoy spending your free time in bed, looking at the ceiling and imagining different scenarios. For some of us, fantasy is a way of finding creative solutions to complicated problems. Others, however, resort … Read more

Nervous Breakdown: Definition, Signs, and How to Deal with It

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Have you ever felt so crushed by life that you could barely find a reason to get out of bed in the morning? Or perhaps you went through a traumatic experience that has inflicted profound emotional wounds. Many of us experience nervous breakdowns whenever life takes a turn for the worse, leaving us feeling overwhelmed … Read more

Post-Traumatic Growth: A Guide to Enjoying Life Again

Learn how to achieve post traumatic growth and how to foster post traumatic growth and resilience.

​Have you ever witnessed an event so devastating that it shocked the very core of your personality? Or perhaps you’ve heard about the struggles of those who’ve been through trauma. Despite getting past a traumatic event, some people never really manage to recover completely. Fortunately, there is a way to overcome trauma and find happiness … Read more

7 Warning Signs You’re Experiencing Introvert Burnout or Exhaustion

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Whether you’re an introvert, extravert, or somewhere in between, the way you go about your daily activities depends on a finite amount of mental and physical energy.  However, when it comes to spending and recharging their batteries, introverts and extroverts function quite differently.  Take social interactions, for example. While extroverts thrive around other people, introverts … Read more

5 Imposter Syndrome Types: Which Are You?

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Although it’s not an official diagnosis, imposter syndrome is a relatively common problem some of us encounter in our professional or academic lives. The feeling that your accomplishments are the result of pure luck coupled with the idea that you’re somehow fooling everyone makes you feel like you’re not the bright or capable person everyone … Read more