Myers-Briggs 16 Personality Types: A Beginner’s Guide

16 personality types | 16 personality types test | myers briggs personality types

You may have taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory one or more times throughout your life. If you haven’t, or you did but can’t remember your results, take a minute to take the inventory. This way, you will be able to read the rest of this info from a more focused perspective. The military, universities, and … Read more

7 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Fatigue

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We have all experienced tiredness, discouragement, lack of inspiration and overall spiritual fatigue. Like a pitcher full of water, we pour into others, helping to fill the emptiness within them.  We pour into our children, marriages, co-workers, friends, church and community.  But, unfortunately, we have a tendency to do this while we find ourselves beginning to … Read more

67 Words of Encouragement for Mothers Who Might Be Struggling

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“Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything.” —Unknown. Motherhood is love and selflessness in its purest form.  A mother loves so hard and sacrifices so much to ensure her children are taken care of. Many moms make sure their children always have the latest and the best of everything… while they are still … Read more