10 INFP Strengths and Weaknesses for This Personality Type

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Have you ever struggled to understand a friend or co-worker’s unique personality? Then you’re in luck because the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test was designed to identify people’s personality types.   Learning an INFP’s strengths and weaknesses helps us relate to people who see the world differently than we do. Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the … Read more

166 One-Word Affirmations to Instantly Kick-Start Your Motivation

one word affirmations | two word affirmations | positive affirmation words

Sometimes one word is all it takes to change your mood and get you going again. One-Word Affirmations are a fantastic choice for people who are short on time and need to quickly shift their focus and restore their energy. Here are some of the most powerful one-word affirmations to instantly kick-start your motivation. Why … Read more

8 Warning Signs You’re Dealing with a Vulnerable Narcissist

vulnerable narcissist | vulnerable narcissist test | vulnerable narcissist treatment

We’ve all encountered many different types of people in our lives. Chances are you’ve had both good and bad relationships on your journey, whether romantic or platonic. But if you’ve ever known someone who seems self-absorbed, insecure, or lacks empathy, could there be a deeper issue at play? Could you actually be dealing with a … Read more

121 Grounding Affirmations to Find Energy and Balance in Life

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When we say someone is “grounded,” it means they have a firm foundation in their life and are not easily swayed or distracted by passing influences. As a result, they are stable and balanced, deeply connected to what really matters, like a tree with deep roots. Becoming more grounded isn’t easy for everyone, and grounding … Read more

118 Affirmations for Preventing Intrusive Thoughts

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Almost everyone has fleeting thoughts that are uncomfortable and unwelcome. However, these thoughts are prominent, prolonged, and upsetting in some people. When these uncharacteristic thoughts last for a long time and are a cause of distress, they are called “intrusive thoughts.” As many as 6 million people in the US suffer from intrusive thoughts, and … Read more