160 Simple Toddler Affirmations to Boost their Confidence

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Children can begin to internalize negative messages about themselves and their abilities from an early age, impacting their attitude and confidence for a lifetime. Positive toddler affirmations can counter those messages, giving kids the foundation they need to be happier and achieve more in their lifetimes. Why Simple Toddler Affirmations are Important to Boost their … Read more

14 ESTJ Strengths and Weaknesses for This Personality Type

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Personalities go beyond just being outgoing or shy. Matter of fact, there are 16 various personality categories according to Carl Jung. The ESTJ personality is one of them. Among the full list of personality types from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, this group makes up around 8-12% of the entire population. When it comes to extroverts, … Read more

100 Fertility Affirmations to Help Conceive a Baby

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Trying to conceive a baby can be an exciting, challenging, and uncertain time. It can be incredibly stressful for people who struggle with infertility or worry about their ability to conceive a child. Fertility affirmations can help aspiring parents remain calm and positive, improving their chances of becoming pregnant. Why Fertility Affirmations to Help Conceive … Read more

117 Wednesday Affirmations to Power Through Hump Day

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Wednesday is a notoriously difficult day, especially for people who don’t like their jobs. But, even when people like their jobs and enjoy the work, it is challenging to maintain energy and motivation throughout the week, and Wednesday is the biggest challenge. So here are some great Wednesday affirmations to get you through hump day. … Read more