Wisdom VS Intelligence: 7 Key Differences

wisdom vs intelligence | intelligence and wisdom difference | wisdom vs intelligence examples

Why would anyone want to know the difference between wisdom vs intelligence? Is one better than the other? Wisdom and intelligence are two highly desirable traits and are equally important for navigating through life successfully. However, the two concepts are often confused as one and the same. Sometimes they are misunderstood as mutually exclusive when they are in … Read more

15 Habits to Increase Your Self-Confidence

In this post, we'll define self-confidence and the key reasons why we need it to become successful humans and look at specific habits self-confident people embrace.

Today, we’re going to chat about self-confidence. Self-confident people behave in social settings in ways that attract others. They’ve mastered the skill of using failures and accomplishments as tools to build their self-confidence. Don’t we all want that? Sure we do! We all want to feel more self-confident because research shows that self-confident people are more … Read more

11 Steps to Be More Self-Aware Throughout Your Life

how to be more self aware | how to be more self aware in a relationship | self awareness examples

What’s driving you to find out how to be more self aware? Are you having trouble building healthy relationships due to a lack of self-awareness or is it hindering personal growth? Whenever I hear the term self-awareness, I instantly imagine a pair of internal eyes that let us see the things we miss with our human … Read more