Why Do I Hate Talking on the Phone? 7 Simple Reasons

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There are many different reasons why people hate talking on the phone.   According to various studies, those reasons include concern about sounding weird to the caller, being misunderstood, fear of being unable to satisfy the caller’s need, or the caller not thinking highly of them.  And often it is an introvert that fits the bill. … Read more

11 Signs That Someone is a Self-Entitled Person

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We have all met people who act as if the world revolves around them.  You know, they are those people who do not seem to understand the meaning of boundaries or take others’ needs or considerations into account before making demands.  Additionally, self-entitled people get bent out of shape for the inconvenience of an accident … Read more

61 Positive Words of Encouragement for Kids [2024 Update]

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Children who are encouraged and given positive reinforcement for their accomplishments will grow up into encouraging, motivated compassionate adults. According to some experts, a child’s brain isn’t fully developed until he/she is 25, so the more positive influences they encounter including family members, friends, teachers, mentors, colleagues, and supervisors, the stronger and more emotionally balanced … Read more

200 Likes and Dislikes Examples: A List to Spark a Conversation

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Whether you are starting a new relationship, or looking to deepen existing ones, learning about the things they like or dislike is a great way to do so easily. Remembering that a person likes something, or mentioning that you didn’t serve a certain food because you remembered they didn’t like it, gives them the idea … Read more