6 Steps to Write an Apology Letter to Your Girlfriend with an Example

apology letter to girlfriend | apology letter to girlfriend after fight | apology letter for hurting someone you love

An apology letter to girlfriend might not be your usual way of communicating with your partner, especially since you could easily shoot her a text or email. Sometimes it takes something more substantial and detailed–like a letter, to say how truly sorry you are. A letter gives you a chance to lay bare your thoughts and feelings … Read more

Shy VS Introverted: 9 Differences Between These Personality Types

shy vs introverted | shy vs introvert test | shy and introverted personality

I bet you never thought you’d be combing the internet for an explanation about shy vs introvert, have you? I lean more toward the introverted side on the introvert-extrovert scale. I’m also shy, but only in certain rare situations. That might indicate shyness isn’t an embedded or primary personality trait–just a sign of an introvert. In short, … Read more

5 Responses for When People Say “Must Be Nice”

when people say must be nice | must be nice comebacks | how to respond to must be nice

Whether you’ve bought a new car, closed on a house, or taken your dream vacation… it’s fun to share those experiences with your friends. I mean, you’re happy and excited, and it shows! When your friends come alongside you and are genuinely interested and happy for you, it increases your own feelings of happiness in the … Read more

Sigma Male VS Omega Male: 11 Core Differences

sigma male vs omega male | 6 male personality types | sigma male vs alpha male

Sigma and Omega are two male types appearing on the socio-sexual hierarchy, a category system created by Theodore Robert Beale, more popularly known as Vox Day. The system of six archetypes ranks men from top to bottom based on their masculinity and personality traits and behavior. Some include dominance, leadership abilities, and male prowess. The other four male types are Alpha, … Read more

17 Signs That You’re Probably an Introvert

signs of introvert | negative traits of introverts | anxious introvert

Humans are social beings, or so we’ve come to learn. Yet, psychologist Carl Jung found a way to figure out why one group of people has a tendency to be more social than others. The less socially-inclined group is called introverts, while those who are more outgoing are called extroverts. According to VeryWellMind, introverts make up an estimated 25% to 40% of … Read more