11 Warning Signs That Your Boss is Gaslighting You at Work

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The work environment is usually stressful, one way or another, whether you’re flipping burgers at McDonald’s or are employed at a prestigious corporation. There are tasks to complete, deadlines to meet, and sometimes difficult co-workers to deal with. So, the last thing you want to deal with is a gaslighting boss. Gaslighting at work involves manipulation by … Read more

50 Words of Encouragement for Soldiers & Military Members

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Words of encouragement can be personal feelings or quotes that motivate, inspire, and spread love. They are meant to give hope and courage to anyone and everyone. From the anxious and sad, to the lonely and scared… no matter what the situation. These words can resonate with a child going to their first day of school from an elderly person going … Read more

7 Steps to Deal with Emotionally Unavailable Parents

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My friend Sophie’s parents don’t validate her hard work, are uninterested in her achievements, and always seem to prioritize work over actually being there for Sophie and her siblings. What started in her childhood is continuing into adulthood, and she continues craving emotional support from her parents. Sound familiar? Do your parents also avoid taking … Read more

65 Words of Encouragement for Teenagers to Inspire Their Success

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Growing up can be tough, especially as a child reaches their teenage years. It’s more important than ever that part of you supporting them comes in the form of words.  Words are impactful at any age, but especially as your child is transforming into an adult. In this article I’ll teach you what words of encouragement … Read more