15 Signs of an Unhealthy INFJ Personality Type

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No person in this world is perfect, and while INFJ personality types are pretty amazing, they are not exempt.  INFJs are like a purple unicorn… a rare personality who is deep, creative, logical, compassionate, and idealistic; but their environment and inability to grow as a person can compound their weaknesses, turning them into an unhealthy … Read more

9 Long-Term Effects of Gaslighting on Your Life

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Gaslighting is a term that comes up in conversations and articles related to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The manipulation practice occurs in different settings but is commonly seen in interpersonal relationships, such as work, family, and romantic relationships. I felt utterly betrayed and a plethora of other negative emotions after discovering someone I cared for … Read more

45 Inspiring Bible Verses About Leadership & Leading Others

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When we come to understand the Bible, we find it very inspiring.  It has the answers to problems we face and guidelines to navigate every scenario we find ourselves in.  Psalms 119:103-105 says, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!  From Your precepts, I get understanding; therefore, I hate … Read more

Are Narcissists Evil? How to Find Out

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Every time someone asks me, “Are narcissists evil,” on my blog or podcast, I hesitate before answering. I know my emotions will cloud my judgment after having dealt with several narcissists over the course of my life. Somehow, narcissists are misunderstood as terrible people to avoid. It’s unfair because the tendency to exploit, manipulate, or inflict harm … Read more