Are You A Sigma Female? Discover 15 Traits to Find Out

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Has someone said you remind them of a Sigma female? Perhaps you’re seeing the term sigma personality popping up in your search to figure out your socio-sexual archetype.  Either way, you can’t leave without reading the rest of this article. There’s a lot to discover, even if you’re trying to understand the behavior and needs of … Read more

11 Self-Confidence Boosting Activities for Students

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Your child attends school and participates in extracurricular activities. On the surface, things seem normal. But lately, you’ve noticed they’re shying away from challenging situations. Or staying to themselves. And, as a parent (or educator), you can’t help but think they’re struggling with low confidence. So how can you give them a boost? There are … Read more

51 Fun Hobbies for Teens to Get Them Away from Devices

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Ugh. Teenagers and their devices. You feel it too, right? It’s like their smartphones, tablets, and other tech are melted to their hands and they can’t go a second… without responding to the ping of an incoming message or mail, scrolling endlessly on social media platforms, liking, commenting, and sharing posts, and playing games.  While … Read more

43 Words of Encouragement to a Woman Going Through a Miscarriage

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“What?” What do you mean I’m having a miscarriage?” I asked my gynecologist, frantically. More questions followed. “Are you sure?” “What’s wrong?” “Does the baby have a heartbeat?” I was shocked, confused, in denial, and heartbroken all at once. I finally got pregnant and now I’m losing my baby. I thought I’d forever be broken by the … Read more