15 Warnings Signs You Have a Toxic Girlfriend

toxic girlfriend | toxic girlfriend signs | toxic girlfriend symptoms

Choosing the right partner gives you a better chance of building a respectful, loving, trusting, and uplifting relationship. You aren’t going to enjoy those positive things with a toxic girlfriend who keeps overwhelming you with her nasty attitude. Of course, she doesn’t show up with a sign that reads “I Identify as a toxic.” She’s not going to tell … Read more

39 Comforting Words of Encouragement After an Accident

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One of the most unsettling experiences in life is those moments after an accident.  One minute, you are enjoying a leisurely drive with the kids and your spouse… and the next, the unthinkable happens.  No matter how an accident happens, it is something unnerving and scary.  One may describe it as “their life flashing before … Read more