7 Steps to Apologize to Your Ex After a Bad Breakup

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We’ve all been there, right? You argue with your significant other, one thing leads to another, and you break up. But there are times when that breakup is everything except amicable, and your breakup leads to serious complications, emotional trauma, and significant relationship damage.  You may wonder if there’s a way on how to apologize … Read more

35 Prosperity Affirmations for Living an Abundant Life

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When we think about a goal we have set for ourselves, did we push past the fear and doubt to reach it? Or did our feelings, fear, and crushing self-doubt prevent us from reaching this goal? These thoughts are sourced from a scarcity belief that there will not be enough, resulting in feelings of anxiety, stress, … Read more

27 Bible Verses About Dealing with Loneliness and Isolation

bible verses about loneliness | Bible Verses About Loneliness And Feeling Alone | Bible Verses for Loneliness

No matter whether you are young or more seasoned in life, everyone has experienced loneliness and isolation.  At an early age, you may have been the kid always picked last when choosing teams to play sports.  Seeing everyone being picked before you was a lonely feeling, and you were standing on an island of rejection … Read more

15 Subtle Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist in Your Life

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How to manipulate a narcissist? It’s a bold question and a bold approach to dealing with such a person. Manipulation is how they trap, control, and use you. You won’t even know you’re being controlled until it’s too late. No wonder the thought of manipulating a narcissist triggers a rush of sensations. Excitement, fear, and … Read more

41 Interesting-Sounding Hobbies to Put on a Resume

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Gone are the days of adding your social security or identity number, full street and postal addresses, personal email address, references, and more to your resume.  We live in a time where you should only have the necessary information on your professional resume that will attract HR managers and future employers to look at your qualifications.  … Read more

20 Famous Fictional Characters with ISTJ Personality

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ISTJ personality types are one of the most common and powerful out there. ISTJ people are incredibly realistic, practical, traditional, and systematic. Think of people that are smart, introverted, love tradition, and stick by their values. They aren’t the “unicorn” of personalities, they are real.  In fact, examples of some real-life people with ISTJ personalities include: … Read more