23 Fun Family Hobbies Everyone Can Share Together

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It’s essential for families to spend time together. That’s just as true when you are a family of two or three as it is being a larger family (and if your family includes extended family members).  It is, however, not easy choosing activities the whole family will enjoy, and I get it. It’s called decision … Read more

15 Warning Signs of an Adult with Abandonment Issues

signs of abandonment issues | signs of abandonment issues in adults | what are abandonment issues

Have you lost a loved one due to an unexpected separation or death… and felt like you never got past their leaving? Do you experience feelings of insecurity, jealousy, rage, anxiety or obsessive thoughts when you are in a close friendship or intimate relationship? Maybe you sabotage relationships so they fall apart? Or you’re too controlling? … Read more

55 Helpful Words of Encouragement for Someone Dealing with Work Stress

words of encouragement for work stress | de-stress quotes | feeling stressed quotes

In American society, a majority of us spend most of our waking hours at our jobs.   As I write this, I am reminded of the 1980s song “9-to-5” by music legend Dolly Parton.   Unfortunately, many shifts in the workplace last from 10 hours to as much as 14-to-16, depending on your occupation.  Working long hours … Read more