41 Famous Fictional Characters with ENFJ Personality

fictional characters ENFJ | enfj | enfj a personality

Morpheus from The Matrix is an all-time favorite fictional characters categorized as ENFJ. Immediately, I was drawn to his genius and communication skills. His loyalty and determination to save his friends at all costs endeared him to me. Morpheus inspires me to look for the positive in others and extend compassion more often. Charles Xavier … Read more

60 Affirmations for a Calming Peace of Mind

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Our minds are constantly multitasking. We’re always thinking about family, friends, work, chores, money, and other obligations. Unfortunately, stress and anxiety have become entirely normal and are embedded into every aspect of our lives. It’s no wonder so many people feel burned out and exhausted and just crave inner peace. That’s why more people use … Read more

23 Famous Fictional Characters with INTP Personality

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The quirky INTP personality type is definitely rare in the real world, but scriptwriters and book authors love including these characters in their work. They make for fun characters that often end up saving the day. In fictional characters, INTP traits such as independence and the ability to come up with creative solutions make for great … Read more

13 Proven Ways to Emotionally Detach from Someone

how to detach from someone | emotionally detach | emotionally detach from someone

It’s beyond challenging when you are in a relationship that’s unhealthy or toxic. It’s simply heartbreaking because these relationships do more harm than good.  Sometimes, things get so bad that one of the few options you have is to emotionally detach from the person – whether it’s a toxic parent, child, family member, friend, colleague, or … Read more

73 Simple Words of Encouragement for Police Officers

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Words of encouragement for police officers are a powerful way to let local law enforcement know that you acknowledge, appreciate, and recognize their contributions to your community. The sacrifice of their own safety, time with their families, and personal life is never given enough thanks. Words of encouragement can change all that. Imagine going to … Read more

31 Famous Fictional Characters with ESTP Personality

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Scarlett O’Hara is one of the most famous fictional characters ESTP of all time. As a child, I envied her extravagance, brilliance, thirst for conquest, and striking beauty. Scarlett’s fearless interactions with authority figures and ability to tackle any obstacle inspired me and countless others to find inner strength we didn’t think we had. Another … Read more