65 Affirmations to Help with Your Weight Loss Efforts

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How many times have you tried losing weight or promised yourself you’d do so? Paying attention to what you eat and exercising regularly is harder than it seems. Unfortunately, you tend to forget that weight loss starts in your mind. Dieting without the right mindset won’t be successful in the long run. That’s why we’ve … Read more

15 Steps to Practice Future Self Journaling

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Most people who are unhappy with the way their lives are going will look for ways to improve things. With a little research, many have discovered ways to improve their lives that have enabled them to enjoy greater overall happiness… as well as help them to more easily achieve their life goals.  One very effective way for people … Read more

9 Tips to Avoid the News to Reduce Your Life Stress

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We all want to stay on top of what’s going on in the world around us… but if watching or reading the news is causing you stress, you aren’t alone.   In fact, a 2020 World Health Organization report coined a new word: “infodemic”. Infodemic refers to “an overabundance of information” that is sometimes inaccurate. … Read more

50 Affirmations for Meditation to Feel Positive Energy

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Working long hours while simultaneously juggling family and friends can be overwhelming. Although we’re expected to feel grateful, the rat race has taken a toll on our inner peace. Eliminating anxiety and stress and finding harmony may seem impossible. But if you want to learn how to obtain inner peace, read our 50 affirmations for … Read more

Introvert VS Social Anxiety: 9 Basic Differences

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Introverts can be mistaken as socially anxious, shy, antisocial, or avoidant. On the flip side, those affected by social anxiety are sometimes mistaken for an introvert. Nothing is wrong with being an introvert or experiencing social anxiety. Learning the key differences between introvert vs social anxiety can help you understand and embrace yourself. You’re also able to determine … Read more