65 Positive Affirmations to Overcome Fears in Life

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We all experience fear. It’s our body’s way of recognizing dangerous situations. However, we tend to dwell too much on it, which can cause problems in our lives. That’s why we need to combat fear with positivity. One great way to lift your spirits is to repeat some affirmations for fear when you’re afraid. These … Read more

21 Traits and Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Child

highly sensitive child traits | sensitive child traits | sensitive child

Imagine having a highly sensitive child who feels profound compassion for animals, even insects. This child hates violence and cruelty, routing the conviction toward justice. This child is a rescuer of the innocents and an empath who physically feels others’ pain. The child is overly generous, intelligent, witty, lonely, worried, a reader and writer of … Read more

63 Affirmations for New Friends & Lasting Friendships

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Friendships can be the most beautiful things in the world, but they’re not immune to trouble. We build our relationships with friends through time and work, and that’s a good thing. However, it can be hard to trust, and problems can arise if you’re not diligent. Thankfully, there are things you can do to stay … Read more

7 Steps to Stop Running Away from Difficult Problems

running away from problems | running away from problems in a relationship | running away from problems psychology

What’s your first instinct when facing a problem? If you’re like me, your first thought is to run… or avoid it at all costs. And while that’s a natural response, it’s not always the best response. In fact, dealing with problems makes you a stronger version of yourself.  I promise. So, in this article, I’ll … Read more

99 Encouraging Affirmations for Motivating Others

encouraging affirmations | encouraging affirmations for others | powerful daily affirmations

Affirmations are a powerful way to encourage and motivate ourselves, but have you considered using encouraging affirmations to inspire someone else? The power of positive thinking and encouraging affirmations can change your own life and have a powerful effect on those around you. Why Encouraging Affirmations are Important Everyone knows that when we are feeling … Read more

11 Soothing Mantras to Help You Deal with Anxiety

mantra for anxiety | mantra for anxiety and depression | anxiety

In the fast-paced world we live in, anxiety has become an all-too-familiar companion and can be overwhelming. It creeps in during moments of uncertainty, crowds our minds with worrisome thoughts, and leaves us searching for a lifeline to pull us back to tranquility. In these challenging times, if you’ve experienced anxiety, you may be overlooking one of … Read more