Narcissistic Rage: Definition, Examples, How to Protect Yourself

narcissistic rage | narcissism | narcissist

Narcissist rage is something you’re going to experience at some point when dealing with a narcissist in your close circle. You won’t miss it. Rage is usually marked by explosive anger/rage or passive anger/rage when they can’t get their way. The response is typically disproportionate to the situation. Being confronted with such behavior can be scary, … Read more

85 Positive Affirmations to Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem

affirmations for confidence | morning affirmations for confidence | affirmations for self love and confidence

How many times have you felt insecure about yourself? A lac k of confidence often can’t be seen from the outside, but it can create a mental burden that is hard to carry. To lift this weight off your shoulders and become more confident, you must deal with what’s on your mind and learn how … Read more

Sigma Male VS Alpha Male: 15 Basic Differences

sigma male vs alpha male | sigma male vs alpha male vs beta male | sigma male vs omega male

The word on the street is that the sigma male is the same as an alpha male, only that he possesses more of an introverted personality. Those backing sigma males because of their admirable characteristics stand by their opinion that these two male archetypes are different from each other in many ways. You’ll discover those differences in … Read more

37 Gaslighting Examples & Phrases That Manipulative People Use

gaslighting examples | gaslighting example relationship | 10 examples of gaslighting

The term “gaslighting” is frequently used in our culture. But what does it really mean? Gaslighting is a term for a form of emotional abuse that can be hard to recognize. It’s not always readily apparent, even though it often occurs in abusive relationships.  Yet, unfortunately, gaslighting can have serious consequences for your mental well-being … Read more

103 This or That Questions to Ask a Girl to Know Her Better

this or that questions to ask a girl | flirty questions to ask a girl | questions to ask a girl to make her laugh

Do you find it difficult talking with girls that you don’t know that well? If so, you are not alone. Many people have problems starting conversations with others, especially the opposite sex. This may be because you are shy or just tongue-tied in a female’s presence, especially if there might be chemistry there. But here’s … Read more