I Hate My Dad: 7 Steps to Improve Your Relationship

i hate my dad | why do i hate my dad | how do i deal with strong hate for my father

When there is hate towards a parent, it is usually associated with some intense degree of pain, frustration, and disappointment.  Either they were an absent parent who made us feel unwanted, or they were there but unbearable to live with.   Your parent was possibly verbally or physically abusive or both.  Or maybe your parent … Read more

41 Words of Encouragement for Someone Who is Coming Out

words of encouragement for someone coming out | words of encouragement | coming out of the closet

Are you contemplating “coming out,” or do you know someone who is? Whatever the case, words of encouragement for someone coming out can turn lives around. To feel uplifted, supported, accepted, and celebrated is a wonderful feeling and a powerful tool for empowerment. It builds confidence and self-esteem while smashing negative emotions. Words of encouragement … Read more